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Raw Food, Juices & Smoothies

Detox Guide

Stefan Mager

Toxins are pathogens that damage cells, they are poisons that harm the body. Our bodies are naturally adept in filtering out poisons, but problems arise when many toxins are consistently introduced over a length of time. These could be alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, caffeine or sugar. Environmental poisons increasingly impact on our bodies. These toxins include pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals used in growing food. Smog and air pollution, synthetic food additives, artificial sweeteners and water impurities can all enter our bodies, sometimes without our knowledge. It is estimated that we are exposed to more than 70,000 different chemicals, and 2,000 new ones are inrroduced every year. Toxins can build up in our bodies, damage our organs, pass into the blood and disrupt natural chemical balances, resulting in diminished energy, illness and ultimately life-threatening disease. We can substantially overcome these issues with an informed diet that strengthens the body, takes stress from the digestive system and helps eliminate toxins. This Guide provides a helpful overview and highlights lifestyle changes which will improve overall health and well being.

ISBN: 9780987458940


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