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Urine Therapy - Nature's Elixir For Good Health

Urine Therapy - Nature's Elixir For Good Health

Flora Peschek-Bohmer and Gisela Schreiber

Your personal treatment for"

  • Acne
  • Hair Loss
  • Infection
  • Warts
  • Asthma
  • Indigestion
  • Migraines
  • Wrinkles
  • and many other common ailments

If you are like most people, trained from their earliest years to regard urine as a mere waste product, the thought of using it for its healing powers may seem shocking. Yet urine has long played an important role in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over the world, and is even mentioned in the Ebers Medical Papyri of ancient Egypt. For centuries people have been availing themselves of urine's incredible curative powers for ailments ranging from anemia to warts. Urine is free, sterile, and acts homeopathically to "prepare" the immune system.

Urine Therapy includes many case histories of people who have successfully treated their ailments with urine, along with cogent explanations of why urine does what it does, how to ensure that the wastes flushed out with your urine aren't taken back in, and why urine may be the best tonic available for your immune system. In addition to protocols for using urine to treat a wide array of diseases, the book offers a program that teaches you step-by-step to overcome any initial aversion to urine therapy. Still playing an important role in the medical systems of countries as diverse as Germany, Japan, and India, this surprising health treatment has been gaining popularity in the United States.

About the Authors

Flora Peschek-Bohmer, Ph.D., manages a naturopathic healing center in Hamburg, Germany. Gisela Schreiber, a medical journalist, also lives in Germany.



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