It's All In Your Head: The Link Between Mercury Amalgams and Illness
Dr Hal Huggins
If mercury is one of the most poisonous substances known to man, why, then do dentists routinely use it in amalgams to fill our teeth? That question was asked by Dr Hal Huggins almost 20 years ago - and is the same question being asked today. Now how-ever, there is a growing chorus of dentists, researchers,a nd citizens adding their voices of concern. In this ground-breaking book, Dr Huggins examines this question and more. What he finds may shock you, for in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, the dangers of mercury exposure can no longer be overlooked.
It's All In Your Head looks at past research on mercury toxicity and dental amalgams - research that the dental establishment has systematically ignored - and at current scientific findings that can no longer be ignored. It details the link between Mercury poisoning and the deteriorating state of the public's health, and describes the possible effects of mercury toxicity.
The author has practised general dentistry since 1962 with an emphasis on nutrition. In 1973 he became involved in the study of mercury toxicity and its impact on human health. Through the course of his investigation, Dr. Huggins earned a master of science from the University of Colorado. In 1983 he began a full time practice for patients suffering from mercury toxicity. He currently runs a world renowned centre combining dentistry, medicine, nutrition, psychology and other healing arts - dedicated to the treatment of autoimmune disease.
ISBN: 0895295504
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