Appearance and Circumstance: Miasms, Facial Features and Homoeopathy
Grant Bentley
After 12 years of research, Hahnemann presented his theory regarding the origins of chronic disease - the miasms. Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis were triumphs in Homœopathic understanding.
Extending on Hahnemann's original idea of three primary miasms, Appearance and Circumstance details the development of the complex miasms - Tubercular, Syco-Psoric, Syco-Syphilitic and Cancer, as well as the three primary miasms.
Knowing that miasms are genetically inherited influences, the author discusses how each miasm will dominate physical structure, pathology and mental outlook. Recognizing the lifetime influence of a miasm helps to explain the events and circumstances that surround us.
Understanding that every individual is dominated by one of the miasms, facial features have been identified and matched to each group, and can be used as clinical aids. Themes together with facial features enable a practitioner to recognize the dominant miasm of the patient.
This book contains explanations and facial charts to aid the Homœopath in utilising these concepts. Facial feature identification can be incorporated into any current case-taking method.
By the end of his life Hahnemann regarded himself as a miasmatic prescriber and made a clear distinction between this method and symptom prescribing only. The further he examined the miasm theory, the more convinced he became that miasms are the key to understanding chronic disease and unlocking a case. Appearance and Circumstance continues this work.
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