Prostate Health in 90 Days: Without drugs or surgery
Larry Clapp
Each year, 40,000 American men have their prostates surgically removed or burned with radiation, often within 48 hours of cancer diagnosis. The standard treatment choices - surgery, radiation, and hormonal therapy - are of limited effectiveness and have major side effects that usually seriously erode a man's quality of life. Impotence and incontinence occur is about 80% of cases and often the cancer recurs -35% require retreatment within five years and 75% within 10 years.
In his book, Prostate Health in 90 Days, Dr. Clapp will teach you how to:
- STOP PROSTATE TROUBLE IN ITS TRACKS using nutrition, massage, herbs, homeopathy and other alternative healing approaches.
- UNDERSTAND WHAT CAUSES CANCER, including toxins from your diet, drugs, the environment, pesticides and parasites - all relatively easy to change.
- REVERSE THE CANCER-CAUSING EFFECTS of dental toxins from hidden infections, root canals and the 50% mercury content in silver-amalgam fillings.
- CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN VITAL ORGANS, including your colon and prostate.
- ENHANCE YOUR SEX LIFE and become physically and mentally stronger.
Dr. Clapp himself was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1990. Given the limited treatment options of surgery and radiation, he began an intensive research effort that led him to discover a wealth of alternatives, which he successfully used to heal himself. He is now cancer-free.