Barbara and Peter Theiss
Applying their extensive experience as parents as well as professionals in the fields of naturopathy, pharmacology, and herbology, Barbara and Peter Theiss show how natural herbal medicine is the healthiest and most effective method to care for most of the family's health needs.
Explains why childhood illnesses and disorders of old age respond exceptionally well to herbal treatment, and includes chapters on healing herbs for women, the immune system, the common cold, and emergency first aid.
Shows how medicinal plants can effectively prevent and treat skin irritations, upset stomach, earaches, sore throats, stress headaches, pulled muscles and tendons, and many other conditions.
Peter and Barbara Theiss are the founders and directors of NatureWorks, the largest pharmaceutical herb company in Germany (operating also in the United States) and they have established companies in England, Australia, New Zealand, and Eastern Europe. Barbara Theiss is a licensed health practitioner, and Peter Theiss, a graduate of the Max Planck Institute, is a doctor of pharmacology.
ISBN: 9780892814848