Research into the clinical applications of Vitamin C is progressing despite a lack of funding from conventional medicine. Orthomolecular medicine, which uses nutrients in large doses to treat disease, is regarded as highly controversial by the medical establishment. This rejection of the orthomolecular approach has little basis in science and reflects a bias at the heart of the status quo.
This book tells the story of how the controversy about vitamin C has grown and continues even as increasing evidence demonstrates the value of the orthomolecular approach. The story of vitamin C is an exciting journey into the workings of science and medicine, the intrigues of political and economic influences, and the evolutionary history of humankind. Someday, medicine without vitamin C therapy will be compared to childbirth without sanitation or surgery without anesthetic.
You'll see that mega doses of vitamin C have proven to be an effective antibiotic, a nontoxic anticancer agent, and also a treatment for heart disease.
We'll explain the real reasons behind conventional medicine's rejection of vitamin C therapy.
Vitamin C is a simple molecule with powerful effects. If you want to be healthy, you should take enough vitamin C. After reading this book, you will know why and how much.
ISBN: 9781591202233
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