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Acid Alkaline Balance Diet

Acid Alkaline Balance Diet

Felicia Drury Kliment

Since 2002, The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet by Felicia Drury Kliment has helped thousands of people achieve overall health through a program that combines alternative health therapies such as supplements and dietary suggestions to eliminate acidic wastes from bodies. Acid alkaline balance is achieved when you have enough of the right kind of digestive chemicals to break down the food you eat, so there are no leftover food particles to convert to acid waste.

The solution is to include in your diet only those foods that your unique digestive enzymes can handle. To find out what these foods are, take the niacin test to find out if you are a meat eater, a grain, fish, and fowl eater, or a balanced metabolism (that is, you have the kind of digestive enzymes that can handle all types of protein).

Balancing the body's acid alkaline pH factor to improve health is a popular treatment in alternative medicine. The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet gives sound and effective options for detoxifying acidic waste from your body.

ISBN: 9780071703376


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