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Cry for Health - Volume 1

Cry for Health - Volume 1

Jesse Sleeman

Health: The Casualty of Modern Times

Since the 1950s the prevalence of the so-called ‘diseases of civilisation’—cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, autism, and so on—has continued to skyrocket in Western countries. Today, as the same story is beginning to be repeated in newly industrialised nations, modern diseases are reaching pandemic proportions.

Why has this happened? The medical profession’s spin is that the culprit is the aging of the population. But, as Cry for Health (Vol 1) reveals, there is overwhelming evidence for why our populations are ailing, evidence health authorities and governments have chosen to ignore, or have refused to acknowledge, or have kept hidden from the public to keep them clueless to the real culprits: many modern technologies and our modern lifestyles. 

In unravelling this story, the book firstly identifies the extent of the modern pandemic, the saga of death by doctoring, and the many reasons for iatrogenic disease; secondly it exposes the failure of medical science to fully understand life, health and disease because of its denial of the existence of the vital force; and thirdly it explores the impact of man-made chemicals, electropollution, and modern farming and food processing practices on our health.

ISBN: 9780646542331


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