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From Cancer to Wellness

From Cancer to Wellness

Kristine S. Matheson

In 2005 Gold Coast Mother ‘Kristine Matheson’ defied doctors and all odds by bringing herself back to perfect health after they told her she would die from ‘Terminal Stage IV Melanoma Cancer’. Kristine had tumors on her lungs, neck and one behind her heart. The message to Kristine was for her to go home and to get her affairs in order! Kristine had a feeling of overwhelming disbelief, anxiety and shock and you can imagine the heartache that was felt by her family. She kept thinking ‘My Time is Not Up!’ and decided to turn what she knew about health and wellbeing into a personal reality.

‘From Cancer to Wellness - The Forgotten Secrets’ is the journey and culmination Kristine’s personal interests and study into the prevention and cure of disease utilizing organic foods and nutrition, supplementation, herbs, physical exercise and much more. ‘From Cancer to Wellness - The Forgotten Secrets’ provides a unique in-depth and easy to follow 28 day nutritional / lifestyle program including delicious recipes & practical food ideas.

In this fantastic self help guide, Kristine explains how she walked the walk and talked the talk and with her ‘strong sense of power, self determination, positive attitude and fight for life’ she overcame all obstacles and ‘cured herself of cancer within a few short months’ and without any medical assistance or intervention”.

“Cancer has an urgency about it!”

About the Author

Kristine Matheson was born in Sydney Australia in 1950 and is the youngest of three children born to English / Italian parents. Kristine is the mother of two boys and stepmother to her husbands 3 children. Kristine has experienced various creative careers throughout her life; clothing designer, interior designer, and artist; but none that hold the passion that she has as an author, especially when the subject is about the need to treat disease by getting to the cause. Her passionate attitude guides her to share the information contained in her book to a worldwide audience and put hope back into the world. She wants to encourage those facing cancer to move forward and embrace the power within them to take control of their own health.


‘I have experienced chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), anxiety attacks, business stress, the loss of financial stability and sadly the loss of a child. I am happy to share with you what I have learnt and how I took power over these conditions and situations, and what’s more, how I beat terminal stage IV melanoma cancer in a few months. I had been given only twelve months to live, if I was lucky, by an oncologist’. - Kristine S. Matheson


ISBN: 9780980644104


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