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Patrick Veret

A revolutionary nutrient therapy that stimulates the energetic pathways of the body to improve physical and psychological health-without needles.

  • Explains how nutripuncture accelerates the body's self-healing abilities through the meridian system of traditional chinese medicine
  • Explores all 38 nutripuncture remedies and what physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms they treat, often with rapid results
  • Easy and accessible way to treat acute or chronic ailments and allergies as well as deep-seated or traumatic psychological stresses.

Nutripuncture works with the body's energetic meridians like acupuncture and acupressure -but without needles or pressure points. Combining traditional Chinese medicine with organic chemistry, the latest understanding of DNA, and the cellular nutrition work of Georges Lakhovsky and Nobel Prize-winner Barbara McClintock, Nutripuncture uses mineral complexes to supply microcurrents of reinforcing energy to the body's information pathways and organ systems.

By focusing on the life energy within our cells and balancing and nourishing the meridians, Nutripuncture accelerates our innate self-healing abilities to overcome illness, relationship conflicts, and many other physical, emotional, and mental stressors, often with rapid results.

This guide explores all 38 Nutripuncture remedies, explaining what meridians they interact with and what physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms they can help-from treatment of acute illnesses, allergies, and chronic conditions such as acne or osteoporosis to broader goals of surviving divorce, detoxifying from damaged relationships with parents and partners, or reactivating stalled phases of development from childhood or adolescence.

Providing an accessible introduction to this revolutionary method developed by Dr. Patrick Veret, this book shows how Nutripuncture provides an easy and noninvasive way to release unresolved emotional and psychological trauma and support the vital energy of our cells, meridians, organs, and nervous system without negative side effects or drug interactions.

ISBN: 9781594774294


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