Roger Mason
Prostate cancer is the leading form of cancer in men. By age fifty, three out of four men have enlarged prostates, which can lead to serious health problems, including pain or difficulty during urination, sexual dysfunction, and possibly cancer. Traditional treatments for these prostate-related illnesses include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and even castration. These methods are dangerous and have potentially drastic results; but worst of all, they fail to address the real cause of prostate problems.
In this updated edition of The Natural Prostate Cure, author Roger Mason provides a unique and effective alternative to risky prostate surgery and drug therapies. Based upon years of research by Mason and his peers, this essential book explains how most prostate problems originate from poor nutrition.
Divided into three parts, the book opens with a basic lesson in a proper diet, and presents the best supplements for maintaining a healthy prostate. Part Two details the causes of and natural treatments for common prostate conditions, including cancer. In Part Three, the author discusses how hormone imbalances-largely caused by poor diet-are a major factor contributing to prostate issues. These final chapters provide natural hormone treatments that can prevent and combat these potentially serious conditions.
With The Natural Prostate Cure, you can discover how to treat prostate problems safely, effectively, and naturally. You don't have to undergo life-threatening surgery or resort to taking dangerous drugs to maintain a healthy prostate.
ISBN: 9780757003707