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Spontaneous Evolution - Soft Cover

Spontaneous Evolution - Soft Cover

Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman

Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here


This is a love story. A love story for the entire Universe: you, me and every living organism.

Inherent within all living organisms is an innate drive to survive, known by science as biological imperative.  Contrary to what conventional science and religion have been telling us, evolution is neither random nor predetermined, but rather an intelligent dance between organism and environment.  When conditions are ripe - either through crisis or opportunity - something unpredictable happens to bring the biosphere into new balance at a higher level of coherance.

For millenia, our spiritual teachers have been pointing us in the direction of love.  Now science is confirming that ancient wisdom. 
We are each and all cells in the body of an evolving giant super organism we call humanity.  Because humans have free will, we can choose to either rise to that new level of emergence or, in the manner of the dinosaurs, fall by the wayside.

Spontaneous Evolution introduces the notion that a miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the garden rather than fight over the turf.  When a critical mass of people truly own this belief in theirt hearts and minds and actually begin living from this truth, our world will emerge form the darkness in what will amount to a spontaneous evolution.

ISBN: 9781401926311


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