How to combine energy medicine and yoga to rapidly enhance your bodys capacity for healing and vitality.
What is it that makes yoga practitioners feel so good after a sessionmore so than after other kinds of exercise or stretching? Yoga was created to directly stimulate and move us at the energetic level, teaches Lauren Walker. Yet it can take an hour or more to gain the subtle benefits of yoga practice, and many of us dont have the luxury of being able to devote that much time to a regular daily routine .Thats why Walker created Energy Medicine Yogaa breakthrough book that combines yoga with the most effective practices of energy medicine to vastly increase the benefits of your practice.
Lauren Walker has adapted the renowned energy medicine techniques pioneered by her own teacher, Donna Eden, so they integrate seamlessly into the movements and postures of yoga practice . These tools are simple, easy to learn, and fit right in with what any yoga practitioner is already doing, Walker explains . Theyll allow you to work smarter, not harderso you can have a healthy body full of energy, zest, and joy for what life has to offer .
ISBN: 9781622032464
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