Years of clinical practice has positively identified that acupuncture has a definate place in the health care of all the people of the world and it can be integrated succefully with modern medical practice. In properly trained hands it is inexpensive, harmless- but essentially effective over a large range of common disorders, and can be used, together with modern diagnostic methods, to help reduce the increasing upsurge of side effects produced by so many of our potent chemotherapeutic agents. This new edition of Clinical Acupuncture, now translated into 5 languages, is a further meaningful step in keeping students of this art up to date with clear, concise information which should help them develop, with time, as well qualified acupuncturists.
Anterior view of Meridians
Posterior View of Meridians
Meridians of the Head + Lateral View of Meridians
ISBN: 9788131902677
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