Sri Chinmoy
The Inner Dimension of Sport
Sport has a secret. It can become an open door to your unimaginable inner potential. Meditation is an adventurous journey to your unlimited source. With a focused mind, calm emotions and the right attitude, the intensity, the flow and they joy experienced in sport can become meditation.
Although today's world-class athletes may have reached the current physical limits of the human body, the spiritual resources hidden deeper within still remain untapped.
In this remarkable book, spiritual teacher and athlete Sri Chinmoy reveals the inner aspect of sport —a dimension that everyone can add to his or her current physical and mental training.
It is this new dimension that enables us to enhance our physical performance, but also makes our satisfaction from sport deep and lasting.
Throughout this book, you will meet world champions such as Carl Lewis, Tatyana Lebedeva, Tegla Laroupe, Bill Pearl or Paul Tergat, sharing their own inner secrets and spiritual perspective on training and competition.
"Believe me, the joy that comes from 'going beyond' is the most incredible feeling in the world. I have felt it many times. And I have enjoyed watching other athletes experience it."
— Carl Lewis, 9-time Olympic Champion
Ultimately, the awakening of the 'inner athlete' in ourselves opens new perspectives in our life. At that time, we discover the wisdom in Sri Chinmoy's gently posed questions: Is crossing the finish line first really the highest goal? What about the ability to focus on transcending your own personal best, or to accept defeat with equanimity?
"In the heart of action is the silence of meditation
And in the heart of meditation is the dynamism of action."
—Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy was born in 1931 in East Bengal, India. He lived in New York, USA from 1964 until his passing in 2007. Through his own example, which included running, tennis and extraordinary weightlifting feats, he showed that inner peace and meditation are a secret key to physical prowess.
ISBN: 9783895322136