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- CFS, Thyroid & Adrenal Issues

Stop the Thyroid Madness : A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment

Stop the Thyroid Madness : A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment

Janie A Bowthorpe

With even more pages, a new chapter on foods and supplements, and additions throughout the entire book, this informative Second Edition of the ever-popular classic, "Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment," continues to break ground as the ONLY thyroid patient-to-patient book on the market.

It addresses a 60+ year, international thyroid treatment scandal involving the use of T4-only medications like Synthroid and other T4-only meds, as well as the TSH lab test--both which have left hundreds of millions worldwide either undiagnosed or undertreated.

It explains in detail:

1) what medications work far better and why;

2) which labwork is better than others, and how to read the results (i.e., it has nothing to do with just being "in range");

3) how a huge body of thyroid patients fall into adrenal fatigue/HPA dysfunction as a result of poor treatment by doctors, plus what patients have learned in treating it;

4) a long list of causes of hypothyroidism;

5) cutting-edge treatment of Hashimotos's disease and gluten intolerance;

6) why patients need to be aware of Reverse T3, plus how to treat it;

7) how to discover and treat low levels of Vit. D, B12, ferritin and iron, iodine and more deficiencies which doctors can miss.

As always, this "Bible of Thyroid Treatment," as successfully experienced by patients worldwide, strives to educate the reader in order to bring this on-going and scandal-breaking information into doctors offices worldwide, and create needed change.

ISBN: 9780615477121


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