Benjamin Nowland
Biological and Spiritual Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
Playing God guides us through the invisible
Benjamin Nowland moved to inner city Sydney in 2013 and soon after experienced acute symptoms of electromagnetic radiation pollution sickness. His physical, mental and spiritual health were profoundly affected. The only place he functioned was away from Wi-Fi, towers and mobile devices in a Zero EMF Sanctuary.
In his search for truth Ben questioned the suppression of scientific evidence. He asked why adverse health effects of Wi-Fi, mobile devices, and telco and NBN microwave towers are not shared with the public? Microwaves are altering our DNA 24/7. What don’t telcos and mobile manufacturers want us to know?
In what he called the Sydney EMF Experiment he used himself as the subject to correlate effects of electromagnetic radiation. Insights were substantiated with extensive research. Tens of thousands of dollars in products and mainstream and alternative therapies were tested during his two-year journey.
Playing God provides a streamlined path to discover the invisible. It delivers clear revelations around electromagnetic radiation to enable optimal physical and mental health and to inspire empowered action.
ISBN: 9781925341249