David Gerow Irving
The Protein Myth illustrates how we can avoid the major killer diseases by eliminating animal products from the diet.
It challenges the healthcare establishment to stop ignoring the scientific evidence that a diet based on animal protein costs millions of lives.
For example, why do the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society turn a blind eye to the scientific facts that avoiding animal protein could prevent many women from getting breast cancer by lowering their oestrogen levels?
The book also links the Western diet to many of the problems facing the world such as
1) obesity in children,
2) the manufacture of drugs to treat counterfeit diseases,
3) the mass production of meat and dairy products on factory farms which is extremely cruel to animals,
4) the needless vivisection of animals at university laboratories for the sole purpose of getting billions of tax dollars from the public,
5) the pollution of our atmosphere, rivers and streams, and
6) the creation of poverty in the developing world.
The Protein Myth makes a compelling case that the way to a healthier life and a world without war is to end our abuse and exploitation of animals.
ISBN: 9781846946738